Thursday, 22 December 2011

Iron sharpens .....

It's easy for Islands to be Islands but no man is an Island.
This might sound pointless until you search and find the point of it.
I once heard that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, how close is this to the truth.
Too many times we try to take out the twig in our brother's and sister's eyes and we forget that we have logs in our OWN eyes.
Remember that there is no smoke without fire. OK! you ready to hear this now since you read to this point.

I'm learning that every walk in life is a journey, my being here and the challenges I've faced can empower someone else one day. I'm learning that I'm NOT better than you and you not better than me therefore we co-exist so we can learn from each other.
I'm learning that for every dark period in one's life there will surely be a lighter period too, a period to reflect and use lessons learn in the dark, hard, unclear period. I'm learning that every day is a gift from God, no one is too clever or wiser than God. I'm learning that God's love is enough for all of us whether you believe or not. I'm learning that going to church does not make you a better person but a relationship with God makes you a humble person. I'm learning that blood is thicker than water and love conquers all evil. I'm learning that I wont know everything and I'm okay with that. I'm learning that life is short yet it needs drive, zeal and passion to be fun and rewarding. I'm learning that I'm not alone, I have you and you and you.

Therefore no man is an Island, umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu!
Rittin by Khaya Sol Gebashe

Influence is based on what you focus on in life.

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